Online Contents
Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 24, No 2 · Sofia · 2024
Vassil Sgurev, Lyubka Doukovska, Ekaterina Tsopanova - Maximal Generalized Network Flow Accounting for Motivation |
3 |
Jadhav Swati, Pise Nitin - Securing Decentralized Storage in Blockchain: A Hybrid Cryptographic Framework |
16 |
Andranik S. Akopov - An Improved Parallel Biobjective Hybrid Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm with Clustering-Based Selection |
32 |
Le Van Hoa, Nguyen Van Tung, Vo Viet Minh Nhat - An Approach to Hopfield Network-Based Energy-Efficient RFID Network Planning |
50 |
Mustapha Skittou, Mohamed Merrouchi, Taoufiq Gadi - A Recommender System for Educational Planning |
67 |
Silvia Gaftandzhieva, Rositsa Doneva, Milen Bliznakov - Quality of Blended Learning Implementation in HEIs: Tool for Monitoring the Use of e-Learning Management Systems |
86 |
Mayank Kumar Rusia, Dushyant Kumar Singh, Mohd. Aquib Ansari - A Novel Deep Transfer Learning-Based Approach for Face Pose Estimation |
105 |
Ivan Popchev, Irina Radeva - Decentralized Application (dApp) Development and Implementation |
122 |
Praveen Kumar Kaithal, Varsha Sharma - African Vulture Optimization-Based Decision Tree (AVO-DT): An Innovative Method for Malware Identification and Evaluation through the Application of Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithm |
142 |
Ghada Hammad Al-Rawashdeh, Osama A Khashan, Dr. Jawad Al-Rawashde, Jassim Ahmad Al-Gasawneh, Abdullah Alsokkar, Mohammad Alshinwa - Feature Selection Using Hybrid Metaheuristic Algorithm for Email Spam Detection |
156 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL