Please submit your manuscripts to Cybernetics and Information Technologies via email to: All the requirements for paper formatting are described on the page FOR AUTHORS. Submission of a manuscript to the journal signifies that the work has not been previously published and that it has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy as well as for the amount of AI-generated text.
Submitted manuscripts are subject to a peer-review procedure. The reviewing is made by the Editorial Board, substantially supported by a pool of additional reviewers proposed by the journal Editorial Board. The decision on whether or not to accept the paper is made by the journal Editor-in-Chief according to the review results.
Open Access and Article Processing Charge (APC)
All articles in Cybernetics and Information Technologies are published in full open access. An article processing charge (APC) for all papers submitted after 1 January 2025 is 300 EUR (plus 20% VAT). APC applies only to papers accepted after peer review. This article processing charge is to cover the costs of peer review, technical and language copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, indexing, hard-copy publishing, and journal management. Some number of papers could be processed by a fast-track mode in order to publish the paper in the next journal issue (if the papers are submitted at least 1 month before the publication date). The APC for fast-track processing is 600 EURO (plus 20% VAT) per paper; it is paid only if a submitted paper is positively reviewed.
Invoices along with detailed information on how to pay an invoice are emailed shortly after acceptance to the payment contact provided by the authors.
Special thematic issues
The additional thematic issues are intended to present extended variants of selected papers presented at international scientific events. The event organizers should send to CIT Editor-in-Chief a proposal for publishing a thematic special issue that contains the proposed title of the issue, the event description (link), names and detailed CVs of proposed guest editors and expected numbers of papers in the issue. The special issues must contain 10-15 papers with the paper length of 16-20 pages. The selected papers should be written by authors from different countries and no more than two papers with the same author(s) are allowed to be included into the special issue. The cost for publishing a special thematic issue is: 450 EURO (plus 20% VAT) per paper (including a preface). The cost should be covered by the event organizers.
The guest editors are responsible for reviewing and selecting high quality papers to be published in the thematic issue and for writing a preface of the issue. The selected papers must not exceed 30% coincidence with publicly available sources. All reviews (at least two per paper) should be sent to CIT Editor-in-Chief for approval.
The special issue will be published up to 2 months after receiving the final texts in the required journal format and the Licenses to publish from the authors.