Online Contents
Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 23, No 3 · Sofia · 2023
The publishing of the present issue (Volume 23, No 3, 2023) of the journal "Cybernetics and Information Technologies", is financially supported by the National Science Fund under competition "Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals - 2023".
Jean Dezert, Albena Tchamova - Involutory Negator of Basic Belief Assignments |
3 |
Romasevych Yuriy, Loveikin Viatcheslav, Bakay Borys - A Real-World Benchmark Problem for Global Optimization |
23 |
Koray Kocken, Beyza Ozkok, Hale Gonce Kocken - A Fuzzy Programming Based Approach to a Multi-Objective Multi-Echelon Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Problem |
40 |
Afia Bhutto, Aftab Ahmed Chandio, Kirshan Kumar Luhano, Imtiaz Ali Korejo - Analysis of Energy and Network Cost Effectiveness of Scheduling Strategies in Datacentre |
56 |
Pundalik Chavan, Neelam Malyadri, Husna Tabassum, Supreeth S., Bhaskar Reddy P. V., Gururaj Murtugudde, Rohith S., Manjunath S. R., Ramaprasad H. C. - Dual-Step Hybrid Mechanism for Energy Efficiency Maximization in Wireless Network |
70 |
Rumen Ketipov, Vera Angelova, Lyubka Doukovska, Roman Schnalle - Predicting User Behavior in e-Commerce Using Machine Learning |
89 |
M. Jurišić, I. Tomičić, P. Grd - User Behavior Analysis for Detecting Compromised User Accounts: A Review Paper |
102 |
Sasho Guergov, Nina G. Nikolova - Methodology for Designing Cyber-Physical Multi-Operation Robot Systems Operating in the Conditions of Digital Robust Control |
114 |
Aswani Kumar Cherukuri, Shria Sannuthi, Neha Elagandula, Rishita Gadamsetty, Neha Singh, Arnav Jain, I. Sumaiya Thaseen, V. Priya, Annapurna Jonnalagadda, Firuz Kamalov - A Secure Peer-to-Peer Image Sharing Using Rubik's Cube Algorithm and Key Distribution Centre |
126 |
Konstantin Tomov, Galina Momcheva - Multi-Activation Dendritic Neural Network (MA-DNN) Working Example of Dendritic-Based Artificial Neural Network |
145 |
Shailendra Pushkin, Ranvijay - A Novel Hypergraph Clustered Gray Relational Analysis HGPSO Algorithm for Data Aggregation in WSN |
163 |
Boriana Vatchova, Yordanka Boneva, Alexander Gegov - Modelling and Simulation of Traffic Light Control |
179 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL