Online Contents
Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 8, No 4. Sofia, 2008
V. P e n e v a, I. P o p c h e v – Multicriteria Decision Making Based on Fuzzy Relations  |
3 |
M. Nikolova – Algorithms for Solving the Problem for a Minimal Network Circulation with One Side Constraint  |
13 |
B. Metev – Upper and Lower Bounds for the Minimum of a Linear Function over the
Efficient Set  |
20 |
V. Ilchev, Z. Ilcheva – Basic Properties of the Classification Hyperplanes Represented by Extremum Points in the Multidimensional Hough Space  |
27 |
N. T. H. Lien, F. Dong, Y. Arai, K. Hirota, H. Sato, T. Hayashi – A Speaker Recognition Method Based on Personal Identification Voice and Trapezoidal Fuzzy
Similarity  |
40 |
G. Kirov, V. Stoyanov – Software Architecture for Implementation of Complex
Simulation Systems  |
57 |
V. Behar, B. Vassileva, C. Kabakchiev – Software Tool for GPR Data Simulation and Basic Processing  |
69 |
P. Vassilev – Simulation of EGNOS Navigation Data for Vehicles  |
77 |
D. Trifonov, K. Kostadinov – Computer Modeling and Simulation of the Process of Information Microstructure Replication for Optical Data Storage  |
84 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL