Online Contents
Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 6, No 1. Sofia, 2006
I. Popchev, I. Radeva A Decision Support Method for Investment Preference Evaluation,
3 |
V. Ilchev, Z. Ilcheva A Self-Organizing Neural Network for Variable Convex Clusterization,
17 |
M. Savov, G. Gluhchev Signature Verification via Hand-Pen Motion Investigation,
24 |
I. Marinchev A System for Storing, Retrieving, Organizing and Managing Web Services Metadata Using Relational Database,
36 |
B. Metev, V. Vassilev Estimating the Minimum of a Function over the Efficient Set of a MOLP Problem Some Experiments,
45 |
M. Vassileva Operative Planning of the Production Program in a Textile Enterprise with the Help of MKO-1 Software System,
58 |
D. Borissova, I. Mustakerov Method of Rational Choice by Sorting in the Software System NVGpro,
69 |
B. Stoyanov, V. Peychev, Y. Beyazov A Theoretic-Experimental Model for Defining the Rate of the Air Flow through Capillary Channels,
76 |
C. Kabakchiev, L. Doukovska, I. Garvanov Cell Averaging Constant False Alarm Rate Detector with Hough Transform in Randomly Arriving Impulse Interference,
83 |
V. Bogdanova Target Tracking Using the Probabilistic Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Algorithm,
90 |
B. Vassileva VHF Radar Target Detection in the Presence of Clutter,
99 |
O. Tzarnoretchki Coefficients of the Evolution Potentials of the Informative Features Linear, Track and Areal Density of Recording on Storage Devices on Magnetic Hard Disks,
107 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL