Online Contents
Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 21, No 4 · Sofia · 2021
The publishing of the present issue (Volume 21, No. 4, 2021) of the journal "Cybernetics and Information Technologies", is financially supported by the National Science Fund under competition "Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals - 2021".
Trayan Stamov - Neural Networks in Engineering Design: Robust Practical Stability Analysis |
3 |
Ananda Kumar Subramanian, Aritra Samanta, Sasmithaa Manickam, Abhinav Kumar, Stavros Shiaeles, M. Anand - Linear Regression Trust Management System for IoT Systems |
15 |
Todor Stoilov, Krasimira Stoilova, Miroslav Vladimirov - Decision Making in Real Estate: Portfolio Approach |
28 |
T. C. Jermin Jeaunita, Sarasvathi V. - A Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimized Routing for QoS in IoT |
45 |
Zuriani Mustaffa, Mohd Herwan Sulaiman - COVID-19 Confirmed Cases Prediction in China Based on Barnacles Mating Optimizer-Least Squares Support Vector Machines |
62 |
Maria Penelova - Access Control Models |
77 |
Kunal Abhishek, E. George Dharma Prakash Raj - Evaluation of Computational Approaches of Short Weierstrass Elliptic Curves for Cryptography |
105 |
M. Hena, N. Jeyanthi - A Three-Tier Authentication Scheme for Kerberized Hadoop Environment |
119 |
Piotr Dworniczak, Lilija Atanassova, Nora Angelova - Modal Type of Weak Intuitionistic Fuzzy Implications Generated by the Operation Δ |
137 |
Mosleh M. Abualhaj, Sumaya N. Al-Khatib, Qusai Y. Shambour, Ahmad Adel Abu-Shareha - An Efficient Method to Enhance IP Telephony Performance in IPV6 Networks |
145 |
I. Nurdan Kara, Hale Gonce Kocken - A Fuzzy Approach to Multi-Objective Solid Transportation Problem with Mixed Constraints Using Hyperbolic Membership Function |
158 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL