Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 13, No 2. Sofia, 2013
A. Tzanev Modeling and Simulation of Systems of Systems a Survey | 3 |
S. T. Manije, M. B. Gholamreza, A. Mohammad Conditional Tsallis Entropy | 37 |
P. K. Bhatia, S. Singh On a New Csiszars f-Divergence Measure | 43 |
S. Vimala, J. S. Sathya Some Results on Point Set Domination of Fuzzy Graphs | 58 |
I. Atanasov Study on Deployment of Web Services for User Interaction in Multimedia Networks | 63 |
B. Prasad, K. Mishra A Combined Encryption Compression Scheme Using Chaotic Maps | 75 |
V. Hristov, G. Agre A Software System for Classification of Archaeological Artefacts Represented by 2D Plans |
82 |
M. Rakhee, V. K. Govindan, B. Karun Enhancing the Precision of Walsh Wavelet Based Approach for Color and Texture Feature Extraction in CBIR by Including a Shape Feature |
97 |
A. Bartoszewicz, P. Le?niewski Discrete Time Sliding Mode Flow Controllers for Connection-Oriented Networks with Lossy Links |
107 |
V. Petkov, M. Hadjiski, K. Boshnakov, E. Mihailov Diagnosis of Metallurgical Ladle Refractory Lining Based on Non-Stationary On-Line Data Processing |
122 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year