Online Contents
Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 1, No 1. Sofia, 2001
Volume 1, No 1. Sofia, 2001
M. Vassileva, K. Genova, V. Vassilev - A Classification Based Interactive Algorithm of Multicriteria Linear Integer Programming (Absract) | 5 |
Chr. Kabakchiev, L. Dukovska, I. Garvanov - Comparative Analysis of Losses of CA CFAR Processors in Pulse Jamming (Absract) | 21 |
R. Yoshinov, D. Dochev, R. Pavlov - ARCHIMED KNOWLEDGE VILLAGE - Development and Approbation of a Distributed Learning Environment (Absract) | 36 |
K. Kolchakov - Non-Conflict Algorithm of Message Switching Node in Distributed Information Networks (Absract) | 44 |
V. Slavova, St. Ivanov - A Unified Approach to 3D Dimensioning and Tolerancing in CAD Environment (Absract) | 48 |
G. Agre - An Integrated Prototype-Based Learning Algorithm (Absract) | 56 |
A. Shannon, G. Gluhchev, K. Atanassov, St. Hadjitodorov - Generalized Net Representation Process of Handwriting Identification (Absract) | 71 |
I. Baruch, J. M. Flores, B. Nenkova - Design of Indirect Adaptive Neural Control Systems (Absract) | 81 |
D. Dimov, G. Gluhchev, N. Nikolov, I. Burov, E. Kalcheva, S. Bonchev, S. Milanov, B. Kiossev - The Computer System STEMB for Verification of Replicas of the Bulgarian State Emblem (Absract) | 95 |
A p p l i c a t i o n s |
D. Borissova , M. Dekov, D. Kozarev, E. Bantutov, I. Iliev - Optical-Electronic Device - Night Vision Goggles - "Prilep" (Absract) | 108 |
N. Andreev - Blood Information Management System for the Transfusion Hematology Centres (Absract) | 116 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL