Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 1, No 1. Sofia, 2001, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Comparative Analysis of Losses of CA CFAR Processors in Pulse Jamming*

Christo Kabakchiev, Lubka Dukovska, Ivan Garvanov
Institute of Information Technologies, 1113 Sofia

Abstract: The paper evaluates the efficiency of Cell Averaging Constant False Alarm Rate (CA CFAR) processors in condition of the pulse jamming obtained according to the methodology in [2] at a value of probability for correct detection Pd=0,5, referred to the losses of an optimal detector. Analysis of the losses of average decision threshold (ADT) of CA CFAR detector is also made. The paper shows the analytic determination of ADT of CA CFAR detector. The probabilistic characteristics of CA CFAR detector are computed in MATLAB environment. The results prove the already known fact that increasing the intensity of PJ decreases the detection of the relevant signal, and the losses in the signal to noise ratio are increased. The losses of CA CFAR detector are shown for different values of the probabilities of false alarm. It is demonstrated that the use of averaged characteristics for analysis of different detectors is a very convenient mathematics tool, which defines energy saving in the use of CA CFAR.

* This work is supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under grants MU-807/98, I-902/99 and IIT-010044