Online Contents
Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 21, No 2 · Sofia · 2021
The publishing of the present issue (Volume 21, No. 2, 2021) of the journal "Cybernetics and Information Technologies", is financially supported by the National Science Fund under competition "Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals - 2021".
Nguyen Long Giang, Demetrovics Janos, Vu Duc Thi, Phan Dang Khoa - Some Properties Related to Reduct of Consistent Decision Systems |
3 |
Yassine Akhiat, Youness Manzali, Mohamed Chahhou, Ahmed Zinedine - A New Noisy Random Forest Based Method for Feature Selection |
10 |
Mosleh M. Abualhaj, Mayy M. Al-Tahrawi, Abdelrahman H. Hussein, Sumaya N. Al-Khatib - Fuzzy-Logic Based Active Queue Management Using Performance Metrics Mapping into Multi-Congestion Indicators |
29 |
J. Thrisul Kumar, B. M. S. Rani, M. Satish Kumar, M. V. Raju, K. Mari Das - Performance Evaluation of Change Detection in SAR Images Based on Hybrid Antlion DWT Fuzzy c-Means Clustering |
45 |
Vaddadi Sai Rahul, N. Narayanan Prasanth, S. P. Raja - A Recursive and Parallelized Dynamic Programming Implementation of Hard Merkle-Hellman Knapsack System for Public Key Cryptography |
58 |
Kunal Abhishek, E. George Dharma Prakash Raj - Computation of Trusted Short Weierstrass Elliptic Curves for Cryptography |
70 |
Dedi Darwis, Akmal Junaidi, Dewi Asiah Shofiana, Wamiliana - A New Digital Image Steganography Based on Center Embedded Pixel Positioning |
89 |
K. S. Sakunthala Prabha, C. Mahesh, S. P. Raja - An Enhanced Semantic Focused Web Crawler Based on Hybrid String Matching Algorithm |
105 |
Ivaylo Blagoev, Gergana Vassileva, Vladimir Monov - A Model for e-Learning Based on the Knowledge of Learners |
121 |
Nagarajan Munusamy, Sneha Vijayan, Ezhilarasi M. - Role of Clustering, Routing Protocols, MAC protocols and Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Energy-Efficiency Perspective |
136 |
Muhammad Inam, Li Zhuo, Masood Ahmad, Mukhtiar Ali - An IRGA-MACS Based Cluster-Head Selection Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks |
166 |
Monisha Devi, Nityananda Sarma, Sanjib K. Deka - A Centralized Model Enabling Channel Reuse for Spectrum Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks |
183 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL