Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 11, No 3. Sofia, 2011
Volume 11, No 3. Sofia, 2011
The publishing of the present issue (Volume 11, No 3, 2011) of the journal “Cybernetics and Information Technologies”, is financially supported by the National Science Fund at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science.
B. D. Sharma, B. Rohtagi – Some Results on Weights of Vectors Having m-Repeated Bursts | 3 |
P. Dworniczak – Inclusion of the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Based on Some Weak Intuitionistic Fuzzy Implication | 12 |
S. Savov, I. Popchev – Upper Bounds for the Solution of the Parameter Dependent Lyapunov Equation | 23 |
Vu Duc Thi, Nguyen Long Giang – A Method to Construct Decision Table from Relation Scheme | 32 |
P. Kormushev, K. Nomoto, F. Dong, K. Hirota – Time Hopping Technique for Faster Reinforcement Learning in Simulations | 42 |
A. Srivastava – Some New Bounds of Weighted Entropy Measures | 60 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Annual subscription: 80 BGL