Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 16, No 5 · Sofia · 2016 - Special Issue on Application of Advanced Computing and Simulation in Information Systems
Sun Zeyu Preface |
3 |
Hao Huanrui New Mixed Kernel Functions of SVM Used in Pattern Recognition |
5 |
Kong Xiangsong, Chen Xurui, Guan Jiansheng PID Controller Design Based on Radial Basis Function Neural Networks for the Steam Generator Level Control |
15 |
Na Li, Jiquan Yang, Aiqing Guo, Yijian Liu, Hai Liu Triangulation Reconstruction for 3D Surface Based on Information Model |
27 |
Fenghua Huang, Zhengyuan Mao, Wenzao Shi ICA-ASIFT-Based Multi-Temporal Matching of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Urban Images |
34 |
Xu Ruihong, Chongxiu Yu, Xinzhu Sang, Dahsiung Hsu Research on QPM and Its Cascaded Structure Applied in FOPA |
50 |
Shouguo Tang, Yong Li, Zhikun Zhang Using Fitness Value for Monitoring Kiwifruits Variant Seedling in Tissue Culture |
59 |
Wenquan Yi, Fei Teng, Jianfeng Xu Noval Stream Data Mining Framework under the Background of Big Data |
69 |
Liu Hui, Chen Min Research on the Distribution System Simulation of Large Companys Logistics under Internet of Things Based on Traveling Salesman Problem Solution |
78 |
Shuhong Cheng, Wenke Zhang Synchronous Rendezvous Based on Cluster in Low-Duty-Cycle Wireless Sensor Network |
88 |
Xiaoming Wan Research on the Novel Method of Edge Detection Based on the Isotropic Diffusion Model and Total Variation Model |
97 |
Xiaolu Xie Research on the Image Denoising Method Based on Partial Differential Equations |
109 |
Hua Guan, Zhen Zhao, Lu Dai Analysis of a Optimal Measurement Index Based on the Complex Network |
119 |
Jin Ren, Jingxing Chen, Wenle Bai New Localization Algorithm Based on Taylor Series Expansion for NLOS Environment |
127 |
Jingxian Yang Compound Controller for DC Motor Servo System Based on Inner-Loop Extended State Observer |
137 |
Chao Gao, Xiao-Ming Liu, Xiao-Kuan Yang Capacity of Right-Turn Lane at Signalized Intersection under Pedestrian-Bicycle Effect |
146 |
Hongxia Wang, Xue-Xue Kang, Yang Yu Nighttime Pedestrian Ranging Algorithm Based on Monocular Vision |
156 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year