Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 15, No 1. Sofia, 2015
The publishing of the present issue (Volume 15, No 1, 2015)
of the journal “Cybernetics and Information Technologies”,
is financially supported by the National Science Fund
under competition “Bulgarian scientific periodicals – 2014”.
Jinqiu Lv, Xiaoming You, Sheng Liu – a-Nearness Ant Colony System with Adaptive Strategies and Performance Analysis |
3 |
Yao Wang, Bo Wang, Minghan Liu – A Component Retrieval Tree Matching Algorithm Based on a Faceted Classification Scheme |
14 |
Margarita Terziyska – A Distributed Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Network for Chaotic Time Series Prediction |
24 |
Sanxiu Wang, Kexin Xing, Zhengchu Wang – Adaptive Fuzzy H? Robust Tracking Control for Nonlinear MIMO Systems |
34 |
K. Govinda, E. Sathiyamoorthy – Privacy Preservation of a Group and Secure Data Storage in Cloud Environment |
46 |
Yeqing Zhao – Public Opinion Evolution Based on Complex Networks |
55 |
V. Sarasvathi, N. Ch. S. N. Iyengar, Snehanshu Saha – QoS Guaranteed Intelligent Routing Using Hybrid PSO-GA in Wireless Mesh Networks |
69 |
Zheng-Mao Zhou, Zhou-Rong Zhu, Ming Cai – Designing an Efficient and Extensible Robustness Benchmark of a Real-Time Operating System |
84 |
Dorina Kabakchieva – Business Intelligence Systems for Analyzing University Students Data |
104 |
Zheng Yu, Lei Yan, Ning Han, Jinhao Liu – Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Contourlet Transform and PCNN for Detecting Obstacles in Forests |
116 |
Swarnalatha Purushotham, B. K. Tripathy – A Comparative Analysis of Depth Computation of Leukaemia Images Using a Refined Bit Plane and Uncertainty Based Clustering Techniques |
126 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year