Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 13, No 3. Sofia, 2013
L. Wang, Z. Liu, X. Jin, Y. Shi Reliability Estimation Based on the Degradation Amount Distribution Using Composite Time Series Analysis and Grey Theory | 3 |
T. K. Samanta, S. Mohinta Fixed Point Theorem for Converse Commuting Mapping in Symmetric Spaces | 15 |
J. Zhu, M. Wang, Z. Wei, B. Cao An Efficient Data Structure for Representing Trilateral/Quadrilateral Subdivision Surfaces | 36 |
A. Gaur, B. D. Sharma Upper Bound on Correcting Partial Random Errors | 41 |
V. U. K. Sastry, N. R. Shankar, S. D. Bhavani A Large Block Cipher Involving Key Dependent Permutation, Interlacing and Iteration | 50 |
J. Yan, Z. Wu, H. Luo, S. Zhang P2P Traffic Identification Based on Host and Flow Behaviour Characteristics | 64 |
S.-S. Tu, S.-Z. Niu, M.-J. Li An Efficient Access Control Scheme for Cloud Environment | 77 |
C. Dichev, D. Dicheva, G. Agre, G. Angelova Current Practices, Trends and Challenges in K-12 Online Learning | 91 |
H. Yang, D. Luo Acyclic Real-Time Traffic Signal Control Based on a Genetic Algorithm | 111 |
M. Anouncia S., C. Madonna L. J., P. Jeevitha, R. T. Nandhini Design of a Diabetic Diagnosis System Using Rough Sets |
124 |
R. J. Subalakshmi, Haleema, N. C. S. N. Iyengar Enhancing a Traditional Health Care System of an Organization for Better Service with Agent Technology by Ensuring Confidentiality of Patients Medical InformationSets | 140 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year