Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 16, No 3 · Sofia · 2016
Boyan Bontchev Adaptation in Affective Video Games: A Literature Review |
3 |
M. Senthilkumar, P. Ilango A Survey on Job Scheduling in Big Data |
35 |
Sivakami Raja, Saravanan Ramaiah CCDEA: Consumer and Cloud DEA Based Trust Assessment Model for the Adoption of Cloud Services |
52 |
Habib Izadkhah, Islam Elgedawy, Ayaz Isazadeh E-CDGM: An Evolutionary Call-Dependency Graph Modularization Approach for Software Systems |
70 |
Lida Zou, Qingzhong Li, Lanju Kong Isolated Storage of Multi-Tenant Data Based on Shared Schema |
91 |
Seferin T. Mirtchev, Rossitza I. Goleva, Dimitar K. Atamian, Mirtcho J. Mirtchev, Ivan Ganchev, Rumen Stainov A Generalized Erlang-C Model for the Enhanced Living Environment as a Service (ELEaaS) |
104 |
Cong Liu, Feng Zhang Petri Net Based Modeling and Correctness Verification
of Collaborative Emergency Response Processes |
122 |
Spoorthi K., Snehanshu Saha, Archana Mathur Discrete Path Selection and Entropy Based Sensor Node Failure Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks |
137 |
Ananda Kumar, P. Ilango, Grover Harsh Dinesh A Modified LEACH Protocol for Increasing Lifetime of the Wireless Sensor Network |
154 |
Aleksey Balabanov, Todor Stoilov, Yordanka Boneva Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Optimization of Urban Transportation Network with Application to Sofia Traffic Optimization |
165 |
Haisong Huang, Liguo Yao, Chieh-Yuan Tsai Transportation Service Quality Improvement through Closed Sequential Pattern Mining Approach |
185 |
Bohdan Pavlyshenko The Distribution of Semantic Fields in Authors Texts |
195 |
Devarasan Ezhilmaran, Manickam Adhiyaman Edge Detection Method for Latent Fingerprint Images Using Intuitionistic Type-2 Fuzzy Entropy |
205 |
Daniela Borissova, Ivan Mustakerov, Dilian Korsemov Business Intelligence System via Group Decision Making |
219 |

Print ISSN: 1311-9702
Online ISSN: 1314-4081
Frequency: 4 issues per year