Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 5, No 2. Sofia, 2005, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Analytical Study of IEEE 802.11 PCF for Regional and Metropolitan Area Networks

Vladimir Vishnevsky, Andrey Lyakhov

Institute of Information Transmission Problems (IITP) of RAS, 127994 Moscow, B. Karetny 19, Russia
E-mail: vishn,, web:

Abstract: A star-like regional wireless network under IEEE 802.11 protocol is studied: its end stations are hidden from each other and linked only with the base station - the point of access to outer networks. It provides access to Internet users of cable LANs connected to its end stations.Transfer of large files through TCP/IP connections forms the main bulk of the wireless traffic. To improve the network performance, we propose and study the optional IEEE 802.11 Point Coordination Function (PCF). Specifically, we investigate different PCF implementations, which allow the achievement of high performance under various load and environment conditions.

Keywords: IEEE 802.11 PCF, adaptive polling policy, Markov models, throughput, MAC service time, MAC sojourn time.