Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 5, No 2. Sofia, 2005, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Semantically Annotating Web Services Using WSMO Technologies

Ivo Marinchev, Gennady Agre

Institute of Information Technologies, 1113 Sofia

Abstract: In this paper the differences and relationships between regular web services and semantic web services are discussed. Later on a “bottom-up” approach is introduced for converting existing web services to semantic web services using the emerging WSMO technologies (specifications). We firmly believe that bottom-up approaches are needed to facilitate smooth transition from the existing syntactically defined web services to their future semantically enriched “counterparts”. We present also our preliminary tool for semi-automated conversion of WSDL to WSMO services.

Keywords: Web Services, Semantic Web Services, Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO), WSDL, OWL, OWL-S.