Adaptive Censoring CFAR PI Detector with Hough Transform
in Randomly Arriving Impulse Interference
Christo Kabakchiev, Ivan Garvanov, Lyubka Doukovska
Institute of Information Technologies, 1113 Sofia
In this paper we study the comparison between the efficiency of Adaptive censoring Post detection Integration Constant False Alarm Rate (API CFAR) detector and Hough detector with non-coherent integration in randomly arriving impulse interference. We assume that the target echo signal fluctuates according to a Swerling II case model, the randomly arriving impulse interference is with a Poisson distribution of the probability for appearance and a Rayleigh distribution of the amplitudes. The profits (losses) are determined as a statistical estimation by means of the probability characteristics of both types of detectors, obtained in Matlab. In the present paper, for comparison with respect to other patterns researched by other authors, the full formula that determines the probability of target detection is used. The profits of the Hough detectors are calculated for different values of false alarm probability, a different number of observations in the reference window, an average interference-to-noise ratio (INR) and a probability for appearance of randomly arriving impulse interference with average length in the cells in range. Our results show that Hough transform is efficient in conditions of decrease of randomly arriving impulse interference.
Keywords: radar detector, API CFAR detector, randomly arriving impulse interference, probability of detection, probability of false alarm, detectability profits (losses).