Possibilities for Modeling and Integration of Business Processes
Hristina Daskalova, Vladislava Grigorova, Tatiana Atanassova
Institute of Information Technologies, 1113 Sofia
E-mails: daskalovahg@abv.bg v.grigorova@abv.bg atanasova@iit.bas.bg
Abstract: Web-based modeling of business processes is considered. The technological chain for generating loosely coupled systems, using the technology of Web-services is described. Requirements that concern the language describing the sequence of actions in the business process, as well as the infrastructure that will realize these actions, are determined. Standards for orchestration and choreography are discussed. Integration in enterprise applications using development of software technologies on the basis of a distributed service-oriented architecture is shown on the example of IBM solutions.
Keywords: business process, web services, orchestration, choreography, grid-environment.