Cybernetics and Information Technologies
Volume 4, No 2. Sofia, 2004, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Synthesis of an Optimized Non-conflict Schedule Accounting the Direction of Messages Transfer in a Communication Node

Kiril Kolchakov

Institute of Information Technologies, 1113 Sofia

Abstract: The paper discusses some problems in designing a non-conflict schedule in communication nodes, realizing synthesis of an optimized non-conflict schedule. A block diagram of the synthesizing algorithm is presented. The basis for the synthesis of an optimized non-conflict schedule is the accounting of the direction of messages transfer in the communication node and the use of two special matrices-masks. The synthesis of two non-crossing sets of permitted connections enables the construction of a set of matrices with two parallel to the main diagonal neighbouring diagonals with permitted connections (satisfied requests). It is proved that in comparison with the approach not accounting the directions of messages movement, where the matrices of permitted connections are with one diagonal parallel to the basic one only, under equal other conditions (equal matrix of permitted connections), in the optimized non-conflict schedule the number of permitted connections (satisfied requests) is twice greater.

Keywords: non-conflict schedule, matrices-masks, permitted connections.