Detection with the Help of an OS CFAR Processor in CDMA
Networks in the Presence of Multipath Interference
Christo Kabakchiev, Vladimir Kyovtorov, Ivan Garvanov
Institute of Information Technologies, 1113 Sofia
Abstract: In this paper we discuss the problem of secondary application of CDMA wireless communication networks for low flying target detection. It is reduced to a PN signal detection in multipath interference by using a passive correlation receiver with an OS CFAR processor. We perform noise level estimation in both windows, applying the order statistic (OS) approach. The Minimum of Average decision threshold is used as an OS estimation criterion of efficiency. The parameters of the correlation receiver with an OS CFAR are obtained by Monte Carlo simulation. The results may be applied for target detection in multistatic radars using the existing communication networks.
Keywords: passive correlation receivers, OS CFAR processor, multipath inter-ference.